Thank you to everyone who attended APSAD Canberra 2024. A special thank you goes to our committee, reviewers, speakers, sponsors and supporters.
You can view the program including PowerPoint presentations and Keynote recordings here.
We were proud to host you in Australia’s most progressive jurisdiction, which provided an exciting, dynamic and informative program with the theme of Inclusion…Innovation…Progress.
The theme reflected the move towards greater inclusion of multiple and varied voices in alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues, including greater participation by people with lived and/or living experience of alcohol and other drugs in the processes of program development and delivery; research and evaluation; and policy reform. Similarly, it reflected the broad range of professional and practical expertise in our sector across a variety of settings.
Anke van der Sterren, Chris Gough and Amy Faden - APSAD 2024 Convenors
Anke van der Sterren - Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT (ATODA)
Chris Gough - Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA) and Australian Illicit and Injecting Drug Users League (AIVL)
Amy Faden - DANA; Australian College of Nursing (MACN) and ASCP
Organising Committee:
Katherine Senior - Drug and Alcohol Services SA (DASSA)
Craig Rodgers - St Vincent's Hospital
Robert Stirling - Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies (NADA)
Suzie Hudson - Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs at NSW Ministry if Health
Christina Marel - The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney
Scientific Advisory Committee:
Amy Peacock - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, and School of Medicine, University of Tasmania
Anna Olsen - School of Medical and Psychology, ANU
Cassandra Wright - Menzies School of Health Research
Chris Holmwood - University Of Adelaide
Christina Marel - The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney
Craig Rodgers - St Vincent's Hospital
Dan Vautin - Policy & Impact and 2IC at the Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council Tasmania (ATDC)
David Newcombe - Centre for Addiction Research, at University of Auckland
Elisabeth Yar - Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT (ATODA)
Jacqueline Bowden - National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University
James Dunne - Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Council
Jane Akhurst - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
Jane Sheridan - The University Of Auckland
Janni Leung - National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research (NCYSUR), University of Queensland
Jeff Buckley - Insight
Jimmy Perry - Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol Council (ADAC)
Katherine Senior - Drug and Alcohol Services SA (DASSA)
Kylie Lee - La Trobe University
Lynette Bullen - Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Treatment Unit
Michael White - South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS)
Natasha Reid - Child Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland
Philip Hull - ACT Health
Robert Stirling - Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies (NADA)
Sarah Clifford - Menzies School of Health Research
Scott Wilson - Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council, South Australia (ADAC)
Tayla Degan - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales
Nadine Ezard - St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
Heather Gifford - Whakauae Research for Māori Health and Development
Peter Higgs - Burnet Institute
Paul Liknaitzky - Dept of Psychiatry at Monash University
Garth Mullins - Host and Executive Producer, Crackdown Podcast
Jurgen Rehm - Senior Scientist, Institute for Mental Health Policy Research & Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, Canada
Stephanie Tzanetis - Directions Health Services
Timothy Piatkowski - Griffith University
Annie Madden - Harm Reduction Australia
APSAD acknowledges that the conference is being held on the traditional lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s continuing connection to land, water, and community and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. APSAD acknowledges Sovereignty in this country has never been ceded. It always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.
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